Your sponsorship enables the JAG to serve the community through many service projects with the goal of improving the lives of children.
Donations can be made by:
Check written out to JA Gulfport and mailed to P.O. Box 6452 Gulfport, MS 39506
Online via PayPal by sending your donation to
Provide clothing, shoes, and outerwear for a child through the Clothes Closet Program
Clothes Closet
Provide food for children through the Backpack Blessings Project
Backpack Blessings
Provide children with disabilities an opportunity to participate in the Beach Day at the Wheelway Project
Beach Day
Provide Christmas for children through the Looking for a Christmas Miracle Project
Christmas Miracle
Provide children with medical, dental, and optical care through Project NOW
Project Now
Provide services to children that address health, safety, education and livelihood through special request that fall outside of our traditional areas of assistance and all of the above projects
Over and Above